turned on gray laptop computer
turned on gray laptop computer

Innovative Solutions

Bringing your ideas to life through technology

About Us

Barreto Tech is a company dedicated to incubating and managing ideas that solve problems using technology.

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
photo of outer space
photo of outer space


woman in brown coat standing on brown wooden bridge
woman in brown coat standing on brown wooden bridge


Naturbooking is a platform that revolutionizes the management of vacation rental homes in nature-based destinations.

person holding hands of another person
person holding hands of another person

Check in Chat

Check in Chat is a remote meet and greet service that allows you to welcome your guests virtually.

person standing on gray high-rise rock formation at daytime
person standing on gray high-rise rock formation at daytime

Hardanger Shop

Hardanger Shop offers a wide range of souvenirs inspired by the beautiful Hardanger region.

teal LED panel
teal LED panel

More Projects Coming Soon

Stay tuned for more exciting projects that aim to solve real-world problems using innovative technology.

Get in Touch

Contact us for more information or to discuss potential collaborations. Send us an email or use the form
